Registered Massage Therapy - Guided Imagery Meditation Massage

Think you don’t know how to meditate? Think again…
Experienced meditator that wants to take it to the next level?

Experience a guided mediation within a massage treatment and experience the easiest and most natural way to slip into trance and harness the intuition and deep relaxation that flow from alpha and theta brainwaves.

Angela Da Silva


Registered Massage Therapy - Somatic Emotional Release Massage

Massage therapy with muscle testing that is used to identify any trapped emotions in the musculoskeletal system that may be contributing to pain and dysfunction.

Muscle testing allows one to get direct feedback from the subconscious mind through simple resistance exercises. Attention and Intention to the trapped emotion(s) allows processing and letting go. The bodywork or massage treatment helps moves the energy out of the physical body and resets the nervous system into a state that facilitates healing.

Angela Da Silva


Registered Massage Therapy - Guided Imagery Hypnosis Massage

A therapeutic and healing hypnosis massage is a unique combination of massage therapy and hypnosis techniques aimed at providing physical relaxation, mental calmness, and emotional well-being.

Let your therapist relax and still your body first. The mind will naturally follow and be in a receptive trance-like meditative state. Using guided imagery within your massage treatment, Angela will guide you into hypnosis so that information in the subconscious can be accessed.

Hypnosis is a trance-like state of focused attention, deep relaxation, and heightened suggestibility. It is a deep meditative state with a purpose. During hypnosis, a person's brainwaves slow down, attention is intensely focused on a specific idea, memory, or sensation while distractions are blocked out. This altered state of consciousness allows individuals to access the subconscious and the information stored within it. In a hypnotic state, the mind becomes open to suggestions and can be guided into deep self exploration.

In a therapeutic context, hypnosis has traditionally been used to help people manage pain, reduce stress and anxiety, overcome phobias, improve sleep, and address various behavioral issues such as smoking cessation and weight loss. In reality, the information provided by the subconscious can potentially help any condition one is dealing with. While it is not a magic bullet or pill, it allows one to explore their own unconscious so as to examine and better understand the root of the cause. Becoming conscious of limiting beliefs and automatic subconscious programs is often the first step in changing unwanted or self-sabotaging behavior.

Many patients find it extremely helpful to access repressed memories and unprocessed emotions as they explore the root(s) of their issues. This allows processing, release and reframing of limiting/old beliefs and unconscious patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. You have to REVEAL IT to HEAL IT!

This holistic approach integrates the benefits of therapeutic massage with the power of guided imagery and hypnosis, creating a deeply immersive and transformative experience for the patient.

Angela Da Silva